Friday, December 29, 2006

Use A Calendar Wisely. Do More Than Look At It!

Remember your child values the time spent with you. Role model this commitment back to them by staying organized. Your childs feelings are hurt when you say that you forgot about that...and let's do that another time.

Get a calendar, and use it to track your day-to-day goings on and your future events. This will help you to become more consistent with your actions. If you make a promise to your child or children to do something on a particular date, mark it on your calendar.

By using your calendar you will become more organized, and more importantly you will be role modeling the value of commitments.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Parents Bill Of Rights


There are fifteen items listed here that are the legal and moral obligations we have to our children. I look at some of these items as being just plain old common sense topics.

Parents Bill Of Rights

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Some Good Advice

Child abuse is not acceptable! Abuse is not limited to physical, there is also emotional.

Love your child/children unconditionally, because that is how they love you!

Be there for them!

Respect them as people!

Help them grow intellectually.

Praise them whenever you can.

Take dumb and stupid out of your vocabulary. No question is silly to them.

Tell them the truth!

Children are not to be used as tools to barter or mediate anyone's needs with!

Be a good role model. Your child/children will mirror your behaviour remember they look up to their parents.

Do not punish when you are angry!

Do what ever you can not to fight with your child's mother! Try to compromise. If you cannot do this, than accommodate. You will develop a more amicable relationship with your child/children's mother. The child/children do not need the extra emotional baggage created by the two supposed adults! Remember to practice your good role model skills! Your child/children do not need to see or hear the disagreements that may occur between their mother and you!

Do not put down new boyfriend or new spouse in front of child/children.

Let your child/children develop new friendships.

If you are feeling overwhelmed get help (use government social workers, psychologists or psycho-analysts to help you).

You need to MAKE time for yourself (keeps you sane)!

Accept change. You do not have to like it. Just accept it.

Children do not come with operation manuals when they are born.

All parents are scared at first!

Mom’s Key FOB:

My Mother gave me a key fob the week my Son was born. I do not know who penned the words. It is a subtle but compelling message.

“Anyone can be a daddy. But it takes someone special to be a father”