Friday, October 12, 2007

Children and Stress

In North America we have been focused on the Obesity Crisis, our Families face today. With this focus we should also look at the issues of stress our children are facing too. In some cases obesity and stress are tied together.

Here is a great question a parent asked a psychologist at Kids Have Stress Too....

"Question of the month. 11/20/00

What are some of the stresses that children experience in their daily lives?

It is important to identify what is bothering or upsetting a child. Children can feel
stressed by everyday problems such a losing or breaking something, being late,
fighting with sisters or brothers. Dealing with fears such as dogs or the dark can
also cause stress as well as moving to a new home or new school, performing in
front of others, making mistakes, and fear of failure.

Children may also experience chronic stress from situations that are beyond their
control, such as family changes due to divorce or death, health problems, tension
in homes, doing poorly in school,and being involved with too many activities or
having too many responsibilities.

Dr. S Jane Margles
Clinical Psychologist, York University
Trustee, Psychology Foundation of Canada"

Getting help for your Child is easier than ever before. If you recognize a problem address it right away. Talk with your child (Remember "EMPATHY"), and get the help needed if you cannot address the problems yourself.

Something I have learned, and was very relieved about, was how resilient my child is. Most children will recover, some quicker than others, with guidance and open lines of communication or professional help. Do not ignore the problem your child may have. It will not go away with the wave of a magic wand! There are many options for help, use them.

Other reading available...

"Kids Have Stress Too"

"Primary Children Suffer Stress" (BBC)

"Anxiety In Children, Teen Stress and Teenage Depression" (Life Positive)

"Childhood Stress" (