It can be a nightmare and an unimaginable topic for some Parents to talk about with their Children. It is necessary though.
Some Children develop quicker then others emotionally and physically, and EVERYONE goes through Puberty! You have to let your Child know this. Also let them know it is okay to speak with you about this topic. It was great Son came to me to speak about this topic. He was a little embarrassed. He asked me if he was going through "Pugerty" at first. It took me a second to realize what he was trying to talk about. I let him know that everybody goes through Puberty at different times and that his body will give him signs about what is changing. I also added that he is the only one who will know these signs, to start with. He went to bed shortly there-after. I went on the Net and found some sights I could share with him the next day, to give him a bigger picture of what changes to expect in his body and his emotions. He was very receptive and most importantly I reaffirmed that he could come and speak with me anytime if he had more questions.
Some great links...