Ahhh it's almost here. The sweet sound of the school bell ringing. YIPPEEEEEE!!! Oh sorry Son just kidding (NOT!)
Organizing ourselves just before school starts and during the first couple of weeks of classes can be chaotic. Start planning early. Shop for clothes and don't get carried away. I don't know why some parents spend all that dough to have little Johnnie and Suzie look like they are ready to model for a children's catalogue. Get what they need. Some schools still supply workbooks and such. Don't go overboard buying school supplies. You will get a list of your child's needs when school starts. Here is a link to Family Education and Canadian Family which will help you plan your child's school year...
School fees can be a hassle check with your local school board and see if they have subsidies for low income families, and apply if needed.
One of my big gripes is the flyer's Son comes home with from his school. See if the school will e-mail newsletters, bulletins and correspondence to you....saves them from getting lost and helps reduce waste.
Immunization is important. Keep your child's records updated. Most schools work with their local health authorities to immunize children. Here is a chart of an immunization schedule from the Government of Alberta...