Monday, August 13, 2007

Back To School

Ahhh it's almost here. The sweet sound of the school bell ringing. YIPPEEEEEE!!! Oh sorry Son just kidding (NOT!)

Organizing ourselves just before school starts and during the first couple of weeks of classes can be chaotic. Start planning early. Shop for clothes and don't get carried away. I don't know why some parents spend all that dough to have little Johnnie and Suzie look like they are ready to model for a children's catalogue. Get what they need. Some schools still supply workbooks and such. Don't go overboard buying school supplies. You will get a list of your child's needs when school starts. Here is a link to Family Education and Canadian Family which will help you plan your child's school year...

School fees can be a hassle check with your local school board and see if they have subsidies for low income families, and apply if needed.

One of my big gripes is the flyer's Son comes home with from his school. See if the school will e-mail newsletters, bulletins and correspondence to you....saves them from getting lost and helps reduce waste.

Immunization is important. Keep your child's records updated. Most schools work with their local health authorities to immunize children. Here is a chart of an immunization schedule from the Government of Alberta...

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Be Responsible, and Hold Yourself Accountable

In this busy life of single parenthood we sometimes forget that we are a parent, teacher, police officer etc... to our children. We cannot forget to hold ourselves accountable for our children's upbringing. There are quite a few parents who would just as soon let the television or the other neighbourhood parents babysit our children because we are too tired or our favorite tv show is on.

We need to know where are children are at all times, who they are with, and are they playing safe. I can't figure out why some parents let their children run wild outside past dark, or even 8 pm. Then the parents are surprised when little Johnny or Suzy get into trouble...geez no parental supervision or lack of...hmmmm. The same goes for parents who are not supervising their children on bicycles. Way too many times I have seen children with no helmets on while bike riding. And then when little Johnny or Suzy get hurt the parents are looking for someone, or something else to blame for their child's injuries.

Parents we need to think and teach our children how to be reponsible!!

Here is a great link for helping your children to be Responsible...